October 27, 2016
Good afternoon. No, I did not sleep the morning away. We've been having a problem with the heat in the main part of the house. Seems that none of the heat is coming up into the house. Hmmm, I checked and the heat seems to be working okay. It just isn't going where it should.
So this morning I had the repair man out to see what was wrong. Glad to say, he found the problem and got it fixed. It seems that the radiators needed to be bled. Once that was taken care of, all the radiators were working properly again.
It's not very warm here, only in the low 40's. Plus, we are expecting rain soon. Tomorrow though, it is supposed to warm up a bit. That will be much appreciated. At least by me. I don't really like the cold.
Next, I have to get the model and serial numbers for one of the refrigerators that are out in the main kitchen. It seems that someone has broken the dial that regulates the temperature in the freezer section and now frost and ice keep building up and the door won't close properly. Of course, no one mentioned this to me until it had been broken for a while. It seems that some folks don't really care about taking care of things that they don't have to pay for.
DIL Janet was by last evening, and we ordered pizza for supper. Yum! I had cooked a small steak for Pogo, so he had a tasty supper too. We had a nice evening, chatting and watching our favorite TV program.
Today I would normally go grocery shopping, but I don't really need much of anything so I'll wait a few more days. Joe is going shopping with one of the dwarfs so he will be all set. This afternoon I'll work on the afghan. I have only about thirty more rows to go to finish it.
Here's an adorable "minion" saying that I found on the web. This should put a smile on your face.
On this happy note, I'll take my leave. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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