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Year of an Indie Writer: Week 19

This was one of those weeks when the day job's activities outweighed the writer job activity. It was a light week, all things considered.

A List of Favorite Podcasts

This week's theme on the blog was some of my favorite podcasts. I started off the week with a look at The Ralph Report by Ralph Garman, then followed that up with a review of Fatman Beyond with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin. After a quick review of The Empire Film Podcast, I ended the week with a pair of podcasts devoted to KISS: PodKISSt and The KISS Room.

And that is basically what the writing week was like. Didn't get a ton of fiction writing done this week.

The highlight of the week was finally getting to see The Struts! Talk about a great show! Luke Spiller truly is a rock star. We saw them in the House of Blues, but the next time he comes through town, the venue will be larger and I'll be further away.

It was a low-key week. Sometimes that's not a bad thing. Especially considering the summer I've got planned.

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